
Church pew repair and Modifications
Repair/tighten worn, loose church pews on any type flooring
Resize church pews to meet updated codes for handicapped spacing
On-site finishing
Paint white church pew ends and church furniture
Replace components of existing church pews
Add or replace bookracks/envelope (card) holders
Replace or repair worn or damaged support legs
Repair splits in solid wood seats or backs
Repair kneelers

Pew Re-Upholstery

Completely transform the look of your older, worn church pews at a fraction of the cost of buying new furnishings. We use only the highest quality scotch-guarded fabric with unlimited choices in colors, patterns, and textures.

Knowing the importance of long-lasting quality, we choose to use foam with a high-density for lasting comfort. By reupholstering the existing church pews, you can revitalize the
appearance of your sanctuary. We can also tighten stretched or wrinkled fabric.